Friday, July 27, 2012

Release Day is Here!!!

I interrupt my usual Foodie Friday fare to celebrate the release of Stone-Hard Passion, book two in my Unveiled Seductions series and the second of my Pricked series releases! If you really, really MUST have a blog today from me concerning food, may I suggest visiting the lovely Dawn Montgomery’s blog where, in June, I got to talk about food and writing and, of course, Stone-Hard Passion
No, there really is no escape from it today. I’m too excited!
It hasn’t been that long since I got word the book was accepted for publication, but sometimes I feel as though it’s been forever. Especially since it’s been up for pre-order at Ellora’s Cave for ages. I’ve caught myself about to blurt out a plot point or two as though everyone’s already got a chance to read it and had to bite my tongue. Thank goodness that part of the wait is almost over!
I’m hopping all over the blog-o-sphere today, so I hope you’ll come visit me either at Sidney Bristol’s blog where I’m talking about troll redemption, or at Cristal Ryder’s where I ask, “What makes a hero sexy?” I’m also at the Beyond the Veil blog doing my monthly post and talking about the movies I saw this month, including my take on the good and bad of Magic Mike. Strangely enough, there I only mention Stone-Hard Passion in passing…go figure! Tomorrow I’ll be at Jayne Kingston’s blog too, talking about my birthday plans, which may just involve a tattoo! Stop at one, or two, or all of them and say hello.
As a wonderful extra boost to my week, the cherry on the sundae so to speak, yesterday I found out my book Beyond Prudence was a recommended read on All Romance e-books! Lady Rhyleigh had some lovely things to say, such as, "This book was an awesome and amazing visualization of steampunk erotica." WOW! I'm humbled and elated, all at once. Happy Birthday to me! :)