Sunday, November 20, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday!

Woof...I missed a few weeks because I've had the 'pleasure' of having to work more hours and, honestly, I've been exhausted! The early morning shifts (anywhere from 5 to 6am) are the hardest because they completely mess up my body clock. Anyway, despite having another this morning, here I am. Thank goodness for the ability to pre-set the post time!!

I'm happy to announce that Arctic Destiny, my paranormal, multicultural novella has been accepted by Ellora's Cave for publication! So, in honor of that, here are the first, unedited, six sentences of that novella. Hope you enjoy it, and please stop by the other wonderful authors on the list at Six Sentence Sunday.

“My God, Finn…”

Her scent was what registered first. A hint of vanilla, mixed with a light floral note that always made him think of sunshine. The sound of her voice only added to the agony, and he squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to look, to confirm she was just another figment of his imagination.

The others’ constant, almost unintelligible chiding was bad enough. Right now the thought of seeing her, only to lose her again, was more than he could bear.